Fifteen Years With UNIX and the Internets

My earlier post regarding my history in Raleigh also brings up another important milestone: this month marks fifteen years I’ve been using the Internet. My first email address was an EOS one at N.C. State’s College of Engineering and I got it August 1992. I spent my early time online downloading bootleg copies of OS/2 from the New Mexico State University’s Hobbes OS/2 collection. Apologies to all the schmucks playing nettrek who’s latency suffered as a result. 🙂 (Apologies also to IBM. Hey, I was young and foolish.)
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Orcas Island’s Revenge

Remember how I said that the start of our Orcas Island vacation began with my breakfast getting airborne before we did? Well, that little bug behaved itself while we were actually on vacation but it apparently never left. Kelly had quite a restless night, spending more time upright than horizontal. I had a not-so-fun day. Fortunately for me I think my issues may be over. I hope Kelly’s are, too.

When it’s 100+ degrees outside is not the time to be dehydrated. Be well, y’all.