Mainstream Media Sticks Foot in Mouth Again

In the same vein as my recent smackdown of the Independent comes news that another mainstream media pundit has no clue about the blogs and the Internet. Elon journalism professor and Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Skube apparently wrote an op-ed piece in the LA Times blasting blogs, yet freely admits he’s never read any. Josh Marshall and Greensboro’s Ed Cone called him out on it, with Ed having even done it once before.
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Too Far Away

I had a good day at work. I got done early and got a chance to tour neighboring Independence Hall. It even stopped raining here in Philadelphia. Then Kelly let me that Travis’s fever hasn’t broken all day and he is being taken by ambulance to the UVa emergency room.

I can think of nothing else right now. Dammit, I wish I wasn’t hundreds of miles away.

Cheap Thoughts: Acoustic Cooling?

If exciting molecules generates heat, would it not be possible to create cooling by somehow resonating those molecules, perhaps through the use of sound waves? If you could get air molecules lined up, for instance, using acoustical harmonics, would they not immediately drop in temperature as a result of their lessened interactions with each other? Even if only some molecules are harmonizing?

Its my understanding microwave ovens work similarly, only they add heat by exciting molecules. If a microwave was tuned to instead resonate those molecules, I would think it could be made to actually cool things, rather than heat them.

Ah, the things I don’t know and wish I did.