Cartooning and Copyrights

Ron, a new MT.Net visitor (15 now! Woowoo!), mentioned today that Far Side cartoonist Gary Larson lives here on Orcas Island. Since then, I’ve been thinking about the alternate universe where instead of being a high-paid computer geek, I followed my cartooning interest into a career. Then I read about Mr. Larson’s polite but emphatic notices to fans to remove Far Side cartoons from their webpages. That’s when I run into a personal conflict.
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Whale of a Watch

I found a local paper’s report about the latest orca sighting on Friday. Looks like we missed a doozie.

The ranger we spoke with today told me there is a service that will page you when the whales are coming. They charge “big bucks” for that service, though. I’m sure the captains of the whale watch boats all subscribe to it.

I think we’ll have to wait until next time to see the orcas.

Midpoint of our Orcas Island Vacation

Today is Wednesday, the half-way point of our vacation. We’ve done a ton of things already and still have plenty more we can do. The weather has continued to be unbelievably perfect: totally clear with gentle breezes and temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We couldn’t have picked a better time to be here, weather-wise.

The neighbor’s WiFi is now reachable again, too, which saves me a drive to town to post this. I think there is some sort of ducting going on which makes this access point accessible from here occasionally. I could not locate it at all yesterday, no matter how I tried.
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