Another Day in Paradise

We didn’t have specific plans today, so we took up Ron’s suggestions and headed over to the Rosario Resort to visit the museum on the second floor. Calling it a museum is a bit of a stretch, as there are lots of 8×10″ historical photographs on the walls but scant items to view, other than the house itself which is gorgeous. There was a model of the USS Nebraska (BB14), built by the Moran Brothers shipyard and the only battleship ever built in Washington state, and a model of the Moran Brothers shipyard. There was also a display case with gauges and buttons from the USS Nebraska in it as well as a large desk, from which I imagine Robert Moran contemplated his business empire.
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Welcome, Benjamin!

We got news about an hour ago that our latest nephew, Benjamin Kaelin Turner, was born this afternoon! This is Allen and Tanya’s third child, making a big sister out of Audrey and an even bigger brother out of Judah.

Benjamin weighed in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces and measured a lengthy 22 inches. Size comes naturally to the Turners, so he’s off to a good start. I’m told momma and family are doing fine.

We look forward to meeting the newest Turner when we return to North Carolina. Hurray!

Another Perfect Day Begins

Once again, we enjoyed a stunning sunrise over the water as we awoke near 6 AM PST. It looks like our string of perfect days is not quite over.

We’ve got no real agenda today. Possible visits include the Rosario resort, Turtleback Mountain, or maybe a visit to Deer Harbor to look at the boats. A return visit to Cascade Lake (and park) is definitely in our future.