High-Performance Performances

In my attempt to document events during our day at the Orcas Island Airport, I neglected to talk about one special event. As I was watching Hallie and Travis ride the kiddie cars inside Magic Air‘s hangar, I heard a roar behind me. Whirling around, I caught a glimpse of a beautifully restored World War II-era fighter plane as it screamed just 20 feet above the runway on a fly-by. I was lucky enough to catch the plane on video as it made two more low-altitude passes.
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Note to self: make sure to remove Yaesu FT-50R ham radio from rental car before returning car to agency. D’oh! I brought it along with the hopes of firing it up on top of Mt. Constitution, but its battery wasn’t charged like I expected it to be and thus it became an expensive paperweight during our trip. Fortunately, Avis has it and is mailing it back to me.

While I’m on the subject of praise where praise is due, kudos to Southwest for correcting my mistake and getting our family home the same day. I didn’t expect it to happen but the gate agent who made the arrangements went above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks a bunch!


Sure is hot, innit? I’m missing those 60-degree highs right about now.


It’s 1:40 AM and we’re home now. Plane left Chicago an hour late but at least it left. Good thing I already had this morning off for a doctor’s appointment (which got cancelled when it looked like I wouldn’t make it).

See y’all tomorrow.