Home Tonight

Well, against all odds we managed to find four open seats from Seattle to Chicago Midway. We found out there were three open all the way to Raleigh about 15 minutes before our Seattle departure and we were making plans to have me fly separately through Las Vegas. Instead a fourth seat popped up five minutes before takeoff so I joined Kelly and the kids for the trip to Chicago.

We’re about an hour away from leaving Chicago now and should get home before midnight, God willing and the creek don’t rise. The kids have been real troupers, as has Kelly. Heck, even I’ve been a good boy. As long as we get home tonight nothing else really matters.

Southwest And Its Full 737s

After volunteering to be bumped from a Southwest flight the other day it occured to me how rare it’s been that a Southwest flight was oversold. Out of many years flying Southwest I couldn’t recall ever being on an oversold flight. It used to be that there was plenty of room on a Southwest flights I’d take, frequently enough to stretch out in the row. With Southwest planes flying nearly full lately, that little perk is fast becoming history.
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Fake Steve Jobs Revealed

Fake Steve Jobs, the hilarious anonymous blogger poking fun at Steve Jobs’s persona, has revealed himself to be Dan Lyons, senior editor of Forbes.

“I was hoping to stay anonymous for a while longer but on the other hand I knew I couldn’t stay anonymous forever. It had to happen at some point,” Lyons said.

“I hope that it doesn’t ruin the fun of the blog that people know who’s behind it.”

I bet the blog stays just as popular. Dan Lyons is a genius!

(h/t Mike B.)

Vacation Extended!

We got our vacation extended! That’s right, we got some extra vacation this morning when we missed our flight out of Seattle by mere minutes. If we’re lucky, we can catch space on a flight through Chicago. If not, we’ll spend another night here in Seattle.

The Doubletree’s airport shuttle doomed us, as it arrived much later than expected to pick us up. By the time it arrived, half the hotel was waiting to board it. What should have been a ten minute ride, tops, across the street took 20-25 minutes.

Keep smiling, I keep telling myself. Keep smiling.

Some Vacation Photos Uploaded

I’ve been using the hotel’s internet to upload a few pics from our vacation. They will be slow to load until a process runs that will create thumbnails for them.

You can have a gander at the August photos here. The full set will have to wait until we return. Enjoy!