Going, Going, Gonzo!

There’s a Southern saying that applies to outgoing U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales: “if his mouth’s moving, he’s lying.” Gonzales finally got the point and tendered his resignation today, ending one of the most contentious terms as attorney general in recent memory.

What gets me is Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) statement after Gonzales’s resignation:

“It is my hope that whomever President Bush selects as the next attorney general, he or she is not subjected to the same poisonous partisanship that we’ve sadly grown accustomed to over the past eight months.”

Uh, you been under a rock for the past seven years, Mitch?

MythTV addons

A few MythTV addons I’ve been contemplating:

HDHomeRun: A networked HDTV tuner with two (count ’em, two!) tuner cards: one for OTA HDTV signals and one for HDTV cable signals. MythTV can use these right out of the box to schedule recordings. Plus, the number of tuners is only limited by network bandwidth so you can easily create a MythTV-based headend. I’m thinking of pairing one of these up with MythTV running on my NSLU2 for a super-quiet, super-efficient MythTV setup. Not bad for $170.
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