Lock your screensaver using your phone


I’ve often wondered what it would take to have my PC know who I am without having to type in my password every time. Typing passwords is so second millennium! There should be a better way.

Today I found that there is. My friend Tarus mentioned a Mac app called AirLock that will activate and deactivate your screensaver using a Bluetooth-equipped phone. I thought that was pretty cool, so I went searching for a Linux app that does the same.

I found it, and it’s called BlueProximity. The good news is that it’s been in Ubuntu for over a year. Simply type

sudo apt-get install blueproximity

…and you’re all set.

This of course made me wonder if my $WORK could replace all the proximity card readers at the entrances with Bluetooth sensors. Why should I carry a badge if I’m always carrying my mobile phone? And why couldn’t this take the place of my car keys or door keys, for that matter?

In a nice coincidence, I got a Bluetooth headset from woot.com last week for a net price of $0. It’s only been a few days since I turned on Bluetooth on my phone. Now I have two cool things to use with it!

A good wintry weekend

Had a great weekend, as usual filled with lots of stuff.

Friday evening was spent getting the kids to their respective lessons (Travis for piano, Hallie for horse riding). Saturday morning had the whole family at Lions Park to help guide development of the new playgrounds at Lions Park and Lockwood.

After lunch on Saturday, I spent the afternoon getting some media training as part of the Operation Free group I’ve been working with. It was very informative and will help me deliver my message, no matter what the audience. I skipped out on having dinner with the group, though, as I already had dinner plans.

Dinner was, of course, a celebration of Kelly’s birthday, and we joined many friends at 18 Seaboard for the occasion. The food was great (as always) and the company even better. It was great seeing all our friends making connections with other friends. That’s one of the best things about getting to know so many people.

Sunday we didn’t have anything scheduled, so we used the time to get things organized around the house. Kelly helped the kids pick out toys they no longer played with for donation to a local charity. I tackled my messy desk and shelves and also sorted through our videotape collection. In-between we found time for playing a “bowling” game with Travis, Mad-libs with the whole family, and after-dinner Christmas carols, complete with flute, guitar, and bells. We’re getting better, even!

It was a good wintry weekend.