Bobby Bowden retires

Bobby Bowden

Bobby Bowden

The news is all over the sports world that Florida State University head football coach Bobby Bowden has coached his last season. It was inevitable (and made moreso by the team’s recent foundering) but it’s still a sad day for college football.

I grew up a Florida State fan and have always thought Bowden was the epitome of a college football coach. There will certainly never be another one like him. As Birmingham News sports columnist Kevin Scarbinsky pointed out:

Bear Bryant didn’t build Ala­bama from next to nothing. Joe Pa­terno didn’t start Penn State from virtual scratch. Bobby Bowden turned Florida State from a former girls’ school into a national football power.

Thank you, Bobby Bowden.

Phone bill rises 25%


Last summer I bragged about our cheap home phone bill of $8 per month. I did the math today and was alarmed to see our bill has risen a steep 25%. That’s right: it’s now $10 per month!

It seems the addition of e911 service is the main culprit. It added $1.50 per month per DID to our bill. It’s a small price to pay for the convenience of 911 service, though, so I’m not complaining!

Texting while driving

Effective today it is unlawful to “text” while driving. Any “additional technology” used on your cellphone (other than talking) can result in a $100 fine. While I hate distracted drivers as much as the next guy, this law is ridiculous. Completely unenforceable. How will anyone know at a glance if one is dialing their phone (legal) or texting (not legal)?

And shouldn’t this be common sense, anyway? When are we going to outlaw applying makeup while driving? Or reading the newspaper? I’ve seen both done (and more) by other drivers. Do we need a law for these, too, or should we just encourage folks to use their good judgement?

Laws that aren’t clearly enforceable should not be laws. Good ideas, maybe, but not laws.