
We went to see Avatar tonight at the Manassas, Virginia Regal Theatres. There was a line to get in and then a line to get a seat in the theater room! I’d never seen anything quite like it.

The movie was spectacular. James Cameron is a genius. This movie really did raise the moviemaking bar. It was very easy to get lost in this other world, like the audience was controlling avatars in the film. It was definitely worth the money.

If you get a chance, you should see this movie at your local theater. And if you’re lucky enough to have it showing in 3D, pay the extra few bucks and see it that way. You won’t be disappointed.

Highlights of 2009: Becoming more media savvy

Operation Free

I spent some effort in 2009 to become more media savvy. The community organizing I’ve been doing with the East CAC had led to more media interviews. I’d done a few TV interviews in the past and didn’t like how they came out. I wanted to look my best, so I studied the interviews I’ve done to see how to improve.

I got a chance to try again when NBC 17 called me up out of the blue and needed to interview me right away. I hadn’t shaved that morning, had a few meetings to attend at work, and was wearing the wrong shirt for television, but I couldn’t find anyone else who could do the interview. I rushed home at lunchtime and quickly shaved and changed shirts, meeting the TV crew in the neighborhood right on time.

The interview went pretty well. The resulting clip turned out even better – making me appear coherent and authoritative. It was the best interview I’ve done so far.
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Highlights of 2009: Tornadic storm

The year 2009 was mostly unexceptional, weather wise. Temperatures stayed in the seasonal ranges for a change. We had a spring season that lasted longer than what always seems like two weeks; summer was warm but not broiling hot, with few 100+ degree days; we got plenty of rain, and no hurricanes hit this year. All that considered, there was one notable weather event I’d rather not repeat: a tornadic storm on May 5th.

I’d never been anywhere near a tornado before. I remember as a kid growing up outside Atlanta our parents would rouse us from our sleep and carry us to the hallway where we’d be plopped down in the middle of mattresses while a tornado passed somewhere outside. Then there was that time in 2005 when I heard the frightening sound of wind that seemed alive. That incident prompted me to get a weather radio so that our family would never be surprised again.
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