Highlights of 2009: Shows, shows, shows

This year saw us going to more concerts and shows than we ever have before. This was in spite of the global economic situation and wasn’t something I would ever have predicted. I stopped going to shows long ago because they either were way too expensive (ahem) or the club was so smoky I’d come home smelling like Liggett and Myers. Screw that! But something about this year drove us to plunk down good money to see bands play, and for the most part it was worth it!

We began our musical odyssey with a Jimmy Buffett show in April. It was probably the ninth time I’ve been to a Buffett show: honestly I’ve lost count. Jimmy hasn’t played Raleigh lately so I was less inclined to go. He’s still one of the few artists who can coax me into going to Walnut Creek Amphitheatre. It ain’t the smoke that makes always want to take a shower after returning from Walnut Creek!
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Highlights of 2009: Vacations

Every vacation is memorable, and we’re fortunate to be able to take occasional vacations. This year we were fortunate to have three significant trips.

In August we joined our friends the Chandler-Oakley’s in Boone to share their mountain cabin for a few days. It was great being in the mountains and the weather could not have been more perfect. We enjoyed our company and had a great time hiking around the various parks.
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