Outlook: snarky

When my officemate threw up his hands in frustration one time too many after Microsoft Outlook crashed, I felt the need to send a happygram to Bill Gates. Feeling prankish, I rattled off this email:

—–Original Message—–
From: Mark Turner [mailto:jmarkturner at blah blah blah . com]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 00:23 AM
To: Bill Gates
Subject: Thanks!

Mr. Gates,

Thanks so much for creating Microsoft Outlook. My life is so much better because of it.

Best Regards,

Mark Turner
Raleigh, NC

I about fell out of my chair laughing when I got this response back from his administrative staff just now:
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Raleigh’s rad new skatepark: Marsh Creek

I attended the groundbreaking ceremony at the Marsh Creek Skate Park this morning. It was my first ceremony as a Parks Board member. Board chair Eugene Weeks was the only other member present.

The park itself will be a jewel for the skateboarding kids of Raleigh. We’re not talking a few plywood half-pipes nailed together but an X-Games-worthy arena. What I didn’t see in the amazing renderings of the park is where the bleachers will be. I may be too old (and, uh, clumsy) to be catching air on a skateboard but I’d love to sit and watch!

To serve most of the kids who will use it, the park will need the CAT 15C bus route adjusted. Its just too far of the bus route as it stands. I attempted to ride the bus to the park this morning until GoTriangle.Org told me it would take an hour to get there. No thanks: I can walk faster. In fact, a half-mile walk was part of the route GoTriangle provided. Total buzz kill, dude.

Anyway, if gravity’s really holding you back then Marsh Creek will soon be your place.