Anniversary recap

Kelly and I had a great anniversary. We exchanged gifts in the morning, chatted throughout the day, and spend the evening together … with our kids! Hallie had her very first soccer game after work and a Conn Elementary Open House right afterward.

Hallie seemed to take to soccer. She loves it! Her team scored five goals so there was the thrill of victory. Actually, one girl on Hallie’s team scored every goal, or at least she seemed to. Hallie told us at bedtime she wants to become an “Olympic soccer champion.”

The open house was fun, but PTA meetings are PTA meetings. Its tough keeping the kids busy while PTA work is being done.

Hallie drew a “family tree” picture yesterday in class. She wrote “today’s my Mom and Dad’s anniversary.” Last night Hallie’s teacher congratulated us on our anniversary. Its true there are no secrets that first grade teachers do not learn.

Hallie also wrote about her soccer game that night. “I hope my Daddy can come,” she wrote.

I’m so glad I could.