
For the longest time, AT&T/Cingular was the only GSM cellphone carrier available in North Carolina. The only other major GSM carrier in the U.S. is T-Mobile, but the only way you could use T-Mobile here was to order a phone (and phone number) in a neighboring state and use it in roaming mode here. I hoped for T-Mobile as their rates were significantly cheaper than Cingular’s.

A billboard told me T-Mobile now offers service here in North Carolina, which is great. I believe they bought SunCom when AT&T bought all of Cingular.

While I’m happy with my super-cheap pay-per-use mobile plan, I’m glad there is now some GSM competition here in North Carolina.

No IPv6 love – yet

I tried configuring my Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel last night but could not get out anywhere. Using ping6 to ping a site such as ipv6.google.com gave me a “network down” message, yet the sit interfaces are up and I can ping HE’s gateway.

I noticed when I configure the tunnel on the HE page that I get packets from their gateway of type PROTO=41. Anyone know what these are all about?

I’ll have to dig into things a bit further when I have more time (i.e., not this week).