Chirp chirp

I was dozing earlier this morning when I sat bolt upright in bed. Someone had thrown a wad of tape on me! Still groggy, I grabbed the tape of my chest and tossed it across the room. Turning on the bathroom light, I took a closer look at the tape.

It wasn’t tape, but a cicada: the one I’d seen in the bedroom yesterday and assumed was a dead one the kids had brought inside. The little buggy had chosen 5:30 AM for a good time for an on-time departure to my chest.

I scooped him up and set him outside, chuckling as I went back to sleep.

Power outage

We lost power last night right after my last post. Tree branches wandered into the power lines on Glascock Street near Norris. I used the opportunity to visit neighbors.

Summertime power outages create impromptu block parties. I talked to more neighbors in 30 minutes than I could’ve in a year. They’re great people, too.

The power returned after 90 minutes but the friendships continue.