The Story of Stuff

Matt sent this to me this morning. It’s a 20-minute-long Flash movie explaining how your stuff gets to you and why that process is not sustainable. Living near the North Wake Landfill as I do, I can’t help but wonder how much of that big pile of garbage could’ve been avoided.

Check out the Story of Stuff and begin thinking of ways we can be living a little more responsibly on our planet (hint: vote with your wallet).

SR-71 Blackbird

SR-71 Blackbird

Last night I was talking with someone familiar with our country’s premier spy plane, the legendary SR-71 Blackbird. He sent me a link to this exciting account of a mission over Libya in 1986.

Intelligence agencies hate to give up capabilities. The rule in intelligence is that no system is ever retired unless something has taken its place. There is no known aircraft that can match the Blackbird’s performance. The “sled,” as it was known to its pilots, has been retired. Just imagine what we must have now.
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Off the hook!

I called AT&T Small Business Services today to check on the status of my long-standing unpaid-bill dispute (as well as my short-standing new bill dispute). After dealing with an initially confused rep by the name of Daniel, I got confirmation that I’m no longer listed as the responsible party for these accounts. Hallelujah!

I called the NC Attorney General’s office to update my file with this information. The specialist working the case asked me if AT&T was going to contact her with an update, to which I laughed. Huge corporations have little time to trifle with such things as the law, you know (thank goodness the telecom immunity bill has been shelved, for now at least).