Smitty at death’s door?

My sixteen-year-old cat, Smitty, has been sicker than I’ve ever seen her today. She hasn’t eaten, has barely drunk anything, hasn’t visited her catbox, and hasn’t been the sometimes maddening, constantly-underfoot cat that she’s always been. Windows were open and sunbeams were in ample supply but neither was enough to tempt her from her sleep at the foot of Hallie’s bed today.

Her lively, feisty self has disappeared with astonishing speed, almost overnight. I think this is it. I’ll frankly be surprised if she is with us in the morning.

Update: She’s still here this morning.

Spellcheck: a phisher’s best friend

If you’re going to the trouble of faking a PayPal email and spamming the universe with it, at least run it through a spelling checker before sending it. Typos (and random exclamation points) highlighted:

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:05:20 -0600
To: markt
Subject: Security Center Suspicios Activity – Action requierd
From: “PayPal. Inc.”
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Record-breaking warmth

We’re in the midst of an unusual December heat wave. Yesterday MT.Net’s weather station recorded a temperature of 84 degrees. I find it very odd hearing all of my neighbor’s air conditioners roaring away this time of year. Today is forecast to be even hotter.

There are some people who still doubt the world’s weather is askew. Won’t be long before we’re telling our grandkids: “I remember when winters used to be cold…”