Spectacular meteor!

The family went to Cafe Capistrano for an excellent dinner tonight. As we were getting into our car, Hallie shouted “Daddy, look up!” As I did, I saw a spectacular meteor go streaking horizontally across the eastern sky before it dissolved. It was a round ball so bright the crescent moon didn’t even wash it out. I can’t recall any meteor that ever lasted long enough for someone to point it out to someone else, but there it was.

I was unsure what I had just seen until I remembered reading mention of the annual Geminid meteor shower in the paper yesterday. Supposedly the shower peaked at noon today, but the mega meteor we saw came at 7:06 PM.

If this is what we can expect from this year’s shower it should be worth watching indeed!

Home again

I’m back from my jaunt up north to Annapolisburg. It was drizzly and cool the whole visit. Quite a shock to pull up to my driveway to 75 degree weather after starting off so chilly.

The company party was fun. I enjoyed talking to my coworkers and their S.O.’s. Everyone always has something interesting to say. I always learn something from any one I talk to.

One of the meetings I attended was a mandatory sexual harassment session. I had to ask if it was proper for my female officemate to always be jumping into my lap while I worked. Of course that particular officemate is no longer with me, alas.