Savannah Fare You Well

Savannah Fare You Well
By Hugh Prestwood

There is something in the wind tonight
Some kind of change of weather
Somewhere some devil’s mixing fire and ice
I got a feeling that the dark side of the moon
is one the rise
Black as a crow’s feather

Now I could stay another day or two
But what’s the use of stalling
Deep in the winter even holdout leaves
start fallin’
Lately every night above the declarations
of our love
I hear the road callin’
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Missing the stage

This weekend when I was goofing around I began to speak in a commanding voice, declaring with mock seriousness that I would do something ordinary like take the trash out.

“You’re missing your training,” Kelly observed with a smile. “You need a class to teach.”

She was right. I hadn’t had any real “showtime” since my last job, where I would do a demo almost every day or conduct training once a month. While I don’t miss doing demos, I do miss being in front of a crowd and performing.
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Time for a history lesson, Joe?

Yeah, I know I’m a Democrat, but I gotta admit that Joe Biden said something really dumb in an interview with Katie Couric the other day:

When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, “look, here’s what happened.”

Roosevelt on television in 1929. Um, yeah. Joe obviously wasn’t paying attention in college.


I walked out of the house wearing shorts and all ready to take Hallie to school. After 10 seconds outside I realized what a dumb idea this was and returned to get some jeans.

Fall is definitely here, folks, brought to you by 30 MPH gusts.


On the bus ride into work this morning I passed by the Capital Park neighborhood north of Peace College. I couldn’t help but admire how inviting this neighborhood is. One thing that makes a big difference in my opinion is the use of alleys.

Once upon a time, all a home’s “plumbing” was tucked away from public view, only accessible through the alleyway. Half the front yard wasn’t paved over, and half the facade of a home wasn’t wasted with an ugly garage door.

Had trash to put out? It stayed in the alley, not on the front sidewalk. Had to park your car? The alley will take you to your garage, keeping the front street open for visitors. With an alley there’s no barrier between the front of the home and the sidewalk or street. A home can come right out to the street to greet company.

I wonder when (and why) subdivision developers stopped appreciating this extremely useful part of the neighborhood.

Everyone’s a Eugene

Interesting. I did a search on “they call me Eugene”, looking for a dumb novelty song from the early 80s. Instead of my song, I found a bunch of fake websites with that phrase designed to game the search engines:

your up to date arthritis news site 1375 By Mortgage Refinancing …
They call me Eugene Keith Diaz. I live in a cozy 2 bedroom timber frame home a few miles outside of Woodmore, KS. Me and my family have been living here … – 4k – Cached – Similar pages – Note this
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