Make room for the Rooma

While the day had its challenges – we all had cabin fever, Kelly and Hallie on the mend from colds/flu – there were some highlights. We made a fresh loaf of bread this morning and then went to Durant Nature Park to shake the cabin fever stuff. The kids rode their bikes to and from the park and we hiked all the way around the lower lake, marveling at the telephone pole-sized tree trunks the beavers have been sawing through.

I was also thrilled when the Fedex guy brought us our newest addition to the family: a Roomba Discovery. A coworker had alerted me to reconditioned Roombas being sold on Woot that afternoon, so I jumped on it. A hundred bucks plus shipping later and it arrived – quickly, I might add.
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House blues

We’re in the phase where the house has to be ready to be shown at a moment’s notice. I was hoping we’d be out of this phase by now but we haven’t been as fortunate as we’d hoped. The first couple we saw opted not to make an offer: spooked by the railroad tracks. Since their friends live a stone’s throw away and they don’t seem to mind, I wonder how they reached that conclusion.
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