in Musings

House blues

We’re in the phase where the house has to be ready to be shown at a moment’s notice. I was hoping we’d be out of this phase by now but we haven’t been as fortunate as we’d hoped. The first couple we saw opted not to make an offer: spooked by the railroad tracks. Since their friends live a stone’s throw away and they don’t seem to mind, I wonder how they reached that conclusion.

We showed the house five times last weekend. Today we showed it once. At least, we think we did. We’ve listed it in the MLS and got a call today that someone would be coming around from 4 to 5. With a lockbox on the door and all the lights turned on, we sneaked out to Brewster’s for ice cream before making a shopping trip at BJs. When we came back there was no sign anyone had been here. We made a pass by the house during this time and saw no cars, either.

Many of our neighbors have jumped on the bandwagon and put their houses up for sale. That doesn’t help our cause much, though we still have the neighborhood’s best yard – railroad or no railroad. I worry that the housing slump may wreak havoc with our sale, but I’m trying to stay positive.

It was so easy when there seemed to be a light at the end of this tunnel. Too bad it truly did turn out to be a train.