My mind is already on the water

According to the NWS’s awesome graphical wind forecast tomorrow’s shaping up to be great for sailing. We’ve got a few spots left on the boat, so if you’re in the Raleigh area (or better, closer to Lake Gaston) and want to join us, drop me a line tonight.

Looking busy

Just looked at my home Linux server, which from all appearances is working fine. The top tool, as well as uptime both show the load average to be 16! Yet, the CPU is listed as 96.7 % idle, as show below:

top – 13:16:58 up 61 days, 16:12, 3 users, load average: 16.00, 16.01, 16.00
Tasks: 267 total, 1 running, 264 sleeping, 2 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.7% us, 1.0% sy, 0.0% ni, 96.7% id, 0.0% wa, 1.7% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 450988k total, 447500k used, 3488k free, 121676k buffers
Swap: 987988k total, 33216k used, 954772k free, 170976k cached

I’m not sure what is going on with this server. Its actually idle but doesn’t think it is. Very strange.

Raleigh to host high speed rail summit

The N&O’s Crosstown Traffic blog reports that Raleigh will be hosting the conference Summit For High Speed Rail on the East Coast. The conference, sponsored by Women ‘s Transportation Seminar, is scheduled for Monday, 22 October in the Fletcher Opera Theatre at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts. Transportation bigwigs, including congressional representatives, will be there to discuss the status of the project.
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More Jason Ray

Jason Ray is still touching lives. The UNC student who performed as the UNC mascot Rameses (and of whom I wrote about before) may have died in March but parts of him live on. Ray’s organs have been distributed to over 80 people, according to the Charlotte Observer this morning.

Tonight ESPN will air the story of Jason Ray, called “Ray of Hope.” I hope his story inspires more people to become organ donors.

I’m an organ donor. Are you?


We got back last evening from our Herndon High School reunion weekend in Virginia. Lots of fun was had. Herndon’s football team won the homecoming game against the Yorktown Patriots 35-31, too.

More on all that when I get a chance. For now I gotta get back to work.