Taser abuse, again

Last year an Alamance County man mouthed off to an Elon cop and the next day the cop tasered him for no apparent reason. John Wayne Paylor was essentially assaulted by the cops in what was clearly revenge.

I support the police but there’s no way anyone can excuse this behavior with a straight face. If Paylor caused an incident the day before, why was he not arrested right then and there? This cop should be looking for work now, if not looking at a judge as a defendant. I’d be embarrassed about this if I were a cop.

This makes you wonder how often this happens and no one finds out about it.

Motion-activated air filter

I’ve noticed that when my cat paws through her catbox it raises a lot of dust. I run an air filter near it but I don’t want/need to run it all day or turn it on by hand every time she uses the catbox.

Its the Internets to the rescue! This gentleman blogged about a motion-sensor outlet, which turns any appliance into a motion-activated one. Now I can hook the air filter up and only have run it when the cat’s near the catbox.

Problem solved. Thanks for the tip, Joe!