First Day Of Real Training

For the first time in a year I got to sit on the receiving side of a training session, this time for my new product, that open-source network management tool with the Zen-like name. Since the bulk of training came right after lunch (the crab melt at the Ram’s Head Tavern is teh bomb), I got a bit sleepy for a moment but soon rallied when the magic of the product became apparent.

Wow. Wow, wow, wow. This tool is amazing! Continue reading

OpenVPN bliss

Since I’ve been on the road this week, I set up OpenVPN on my Ubuntu laptop to ease the process of connecting to home. Boy, why didn’t I do this sooner? It’s so nice to easily access all of my home machines without adding more SSH tunnels. The OpenVPN-protected connections are quicker to connect than the SSH tunnels, too.

Geeky stuff like this makes me feel like a Linux stud. Yeah, boyeeee!

New job

The new job is going well. I got here at noon yesterday and worked until 7. Didn’t get a lot of training due to other issues being addressed yesterday but learned a lot anyway. Should get a brain-full today with training all day long.

Annapolis seems nice from the little bit I’ve been outside. I especially enjoyed the sea breeze last evening. Its nice to be so close to the ocean. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to look around while I’m here.