
Exhaustion is driving single-handedly for 8 and a half hours, caring for your sick spouse and kid, spending a restless night as spouse deals with said illness, then spending the next day caring for everyone. Hallie became the third (and final) victim of the stomach bug this evening right before her bedtime. I could have three sick family members on my hands tomorrow, though Kelly seems to be rallying at the moment.

Life is full of adventures, isn’t it?

Chinese Hospitals Use Fake IVs

Boy, it’s a good thing I didn’t get sick during my trip to China. Chinese hospitals were found to have given patients fake IVs.

That’s the thing I found with China: everyone around was trying to make a buck, usually at your expense. This seems to proceed with the blessing of the officials. I think these food and drug scandals are early tremors. The Big One – one where thousands of Chinese die due to unbridled greed and corrupt regulation – will strike any month now. Even so, I doubt the Chinese government has the will to actually protect its people from its own crooks. It will take a few very large riots before anything changes.

Stomach Bugged

Kelly has been hit hard by the stomach bug I mentioned in the last post. Travis is also a victim though his spirits are considerably better. I found out my sister-in-law, niece, and nephew fell victim yesterday during their drive back. I feel bad for them. At least we were home when it struck.

My guess is the “resort’s” pool. I’m thinking the kids might have swallowed the water while (most) of the adults did not, though Tanya was in the pool and I don’t think she drank the water. It could be a virus, or simple food poisoning. I’d appreciate hearing from any fellow Turners who may have also gotten sick (or gone swimming and didn’t get sick).