Finger-eating Fan Pronounced Dead

One of the things I did on my get-stuff-done morning was retrieve the killer nonworking gable fan from the attic. After rigging up a plug and giving it juice, I determined the thermal safety breaker has tripped. The thermal breaker is a non-replaceable part which, when activated, turns the motor into a unique doorstop or lively conversation piece.

I’m still thinking it might be worth $50 to put up another fan. It gets to 130 degrees F up there, which makes the air conditioner work harder. The ideal solution would be to put in a radiant barrier but I think that would run $300 or more with the space I’d have to cover (~$.50 psf, if i recall). Maybe I’ll consider that in the fall (when it will also help with heating).

Why didn’t I get a degree in thermodynamics? Or curmudgeonry?