in Musings

I’m Right Here

“Nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.” Those are the wise words of Mr. Lennon and Mr. McCartney from All You Need Is Love, and its true: I must be right where I’m supposed to be. I’ve not been particularly enjoying this involuntary vacation, but I’m trying to make the most of it. Its not where I would’ve chosen to be but here I am. Imagine if life was always exactly what you expected it to be. Why bother living it?

Maybe I needed some adventure. I thought I had some adventure. Did I need more? I’ve said it would be tough to top my last job and that’s proving to be true.

Damn it. Sometimes I hate being right.

I spent this morning mowing the lawn, as I wasn’t available to do it this past weekend and won’t do it this weekend, either. Then I surveyed the garage and sorted through all the stuff in it. Then it was lunch with my former coworker, Matt. So many projects I’ve been putting off due to work commitments. Though I allegedly have time now, I still can’t get them all done. One’s tasks will expand to fit one’s available time.

Saturday will be one month unemployed. I felt confident the first week or two and had my confidence slowly lag until …well, today. Today I felt inspired. I’m going to find that awesome job or else I’ll create it for myself.