N&O still not web-savvy

So the News and Observer recently revamped their website yet again and I think I preferred the previous version. Seemed much cleaner to me, and also seemed to load faster.

One thing bit the N&O the last time they upgraded and they didn’t seem to learn the lesson because they made the same mistake again. They didn’t maintain links to their stories, a big webmaster no no! Any favorable ranking Google gave their stories just got shot all to hell because the web team failed to provide forwarding links from their old stories to the versions on their new site. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

And the newspaper industry wonders why it can’t seem to succeed on the Internet.

Back on the map, sort of

On a whim I checked my address again in Google Maps. After first having it in Google Maps, then finding it missing, I wasn’t sure whether when my neighborhood would “exist” again as far as Google was concerned. Looks like my submitting it to Google’s map company affiliate finally did the trick. It’s been exactly one year since I alerted them.

But all is not happy in Mapland, oh noooo. Seems that even though typing the address in will correctly highlight my house, the map itself shows my street as Bennett Street. It seems that Tonsler Drive exists enough in Googleland to pinpoint my house but the street name still doesn’t show up on the map view. And Street View is still broken, though it once worked.

I give up!

Simple pleasures

Kelly’s volunteering at Hallie’s school this morning, so I’m working from home and had to take charge of the kids. Both of them needed to be delivered to Conn so we walked down Edmund Street together. Before we were past our friend Randy’s house we saw our friends the Bettis following us, so we waited for Lorenzo, his mom Veronica, his brother Nicolo, and their dog to catch up. We picked up Oscar at his house, too, making us quite a gaggle!

I’d forgotten just how much fun it is to walk Hallie to school. Today’s walk was a bonus!