Southwest will fly to Panama City

I found out today that Southwest Airlines will begin service to my hometown, Panama City, Florida this May. I can’t begin to tell you how psyched I am about this!

Getting to Panama City is an 11-hour trip by car. One can fly there, of course, but that means you’re stuck with flying Delta Airlines and that’s it. As such, there’s little or no competition – and prices are high. Southwest moving in will definitely slash the cost of getting to Panama City, possibly making it worth flying there rather than driving.

On the other hand, the tremendous growth that this will bring the city will forever change it. I’ll miss the hometown feel of my hometown. All in all, though, I think this is a good thing for Panama City. Way to go, Southwest!

Sunset, sunrise

On my way home from the City Council meeting I saw an amazing sunset! The sun had just set below the western horizon, leaving a band of warm orange in the sky near the treetops. Above the trees was a perfect crescent moon, seemingly larger than life. Then this morning I saw a beautiful sunrise, with the same band of warm light that happens only in the cooler months. In place of the moon I saw Venus shining bright in the sky.

It’s good to stop every now and then and appreciate the beauty that’s all around us.