MT.Net mystery solved

I think I solved the mystery I was seeing on MT.Net, so now I can tell you what happened.

I’m using the SABRE WordPress plugin to block bot users from wreaking havoc on the MT.Net blogosphere. Earlier this week, a supposed bot passed the SABRE math test, so I decided to crank up the CAPTCHA feature of SABRE to further weed out bots. (Now, I don’t know if it actually was a bot that registered or simply some bored Russian, but I wanted to see what the CAPTCHA did anyway.)
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MT.Net maintenance ahead

I found an “unexpected inconsistency” with MT.Net today. Can’t go into details yet but I’ve been pondering it this afternoon and can’t think of any reason it should be occurring.

MT.Net may go dark briefly while I try a few things to fix it. Stay tuned.

Unknown warranty call

I got this car warranty call yesterday from a unknown Caller ID. My efforts to reach a live human being were unsuccessful as I got disconnected when I pressed “0.”

Here’s a recording of the call in case others were interested to hear what these calls sound like. When I get time I’ll add the others I collect.

In like McGuinn

Guitar legend Roger McGuinn is also an accomplished techie, and maintains a blog devoted solely to his various gadgets. Last month, Roger shared his journey into solar power.

What started with the purchase of a small solar panel to charge his cell phone led to him to fully convert his home to solar power. In doing so, he didn’t give up anything but a power bill: he’s got enough juice to power his two refrigerators and 5-ton air conditioner.

An amazing set of alternative-energy rebates and deals are being offered this fall to North Carolina residents. I’ll post about these soon but the deals have me seriously considering following Roger’s lead and putting panels on our roof.