Whisper-quiet morning

I awoke to a strangely silent day this morning. The combination of overcast skies, cool temperatures, and the Labor Day weekend combined to provide the illusion of being in a house miles from nowhere, rather than one just two miles from downtown Raleigh. There were no air conditioners straining against the heat, and anyone who could left town did leave town as is the usual case around here (Raleigh is anything but the vacation destination).

It’s not like our neighborhood is especially noisy most mornings – actually it is surprisingly calm – but today was exceptionally quiet. I savor the silence on the rare occasions that it visits.

Long Labor day weekend

Where to begin? Friday night we saw MikeMickXer play at Seaboard Music, keeping the kids up way too late. Saturday we paid the price with two grumpy, squabbling kids. I got some time with Hallie downtown at the Raleigh Times coffee shop but Hallie got bored when I ran into a friend.

Sunday we split up and I took Travis to New Hope Valley while Kelly and Hallie had some time together. T and I didn’t get to ride the train but we did have fun looking around at stuff. Later, I got some things done around the house, finally hanging things on walls in every bedroom. Travis and I also fixed the screen in our screen door and put a wire cable on it to keep it from sagging. In between we spent a little time playing on the driveway and visiting with our neighbors. I spent time shooting baskets during the talking, and especially enjoyed handing the basketball to our two-year-old neighbor, Noah, who seems obsessed with it.
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Van Jones

You know, I’m sure there’s more to this story than is being told about White House “green jobs” official Van Jones “resigning” supposedly due to a petition he signed and because he called Republicans a bad name.

So Jones doubts the official story of what happened during the attacks of September 11th. Big deal! There are so many holes in the official 9/11 story that it’s not even funny. Jones is not alone in his doubt and that’s certainly no reason to can him.

As for the Republican remark, wasn’t it Dick Cheney who, while on that bastion of civility and decorum – the Senate Floor, told Vermont Democratic Senator Patrick Lehey to go f*ck himself? I didn’t see ol’ Darth Cheney turning in his walking papers after that.

Either there’s more to Jones’s forced resignation than we’re being told or Obama threw him under the bus as a gift to the rabid right-wing talk show hosts. Neither scenario sits well with me.