The ARRRRR! Line pub crawl

I’m looking for a few good pirates for a pub crawl Saturday night. I sent this email out to some neighborhood lists today:

Whereas, Saturday, September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Whereas, Raleigh has downtown circulator bus known as the “R Line.”

Whereas, Saturday marks the first International Talk Like A Pirate Day since the R Line came into being.

Whereas, said R Line has served as transportation for many a downtown pub crawl.

Whereas, it’s been a while since the last organized R Line pub crawl.

Whereas, pirates like to spend their silver on grog in pubs.

Whereas, Raleigh being miles from any sea is no excuse not to drink grog.

Whereas, Raleigh could use an annual costumed event like the one in that
Triangle town over the horizon.

Therefore Be it Resolved That, Saturday, September 19th is hereby declared the start of the First Annual Raleigh ARRRRRR! Line Pub Crawl.

Meet at the Seaboard Station ARRRRR! Line stop at 9 PM (Peace St at Wilmington). Pirate costumes optional this time around, but lack of them next year t’will be a flogging offence.

See you there, mateys!

Mark Turner, a.k.a.
Scowlin’ Bailey Hornigold

Cookie Judge


As part of my service on the board of the Mordecai Historic Park, I’ve been asked to be a “cookie judge” for Saturday’s Baking Contest. There are over 40 entries in this year’s baking contest, so I’m not so sure I won’t have a stomachache when we go to the They Might Be Giants concert later that afternoon. My fellow Parks board members sounded jealous of this assignment when I mentioned it last night, but I’m thinking the only recipe I’ll be interested in is a recipe for a ton of extra exercise the next day!

Come out and visit Mordecai Historic Park if you can. Once the judges have a taste, the contest entries will be distributed to the public. Dig in!