Progress Report (Its Progress, Right?)

I’ve been applying to at least one job per day since I’ve been on “vacation.” I’m getting a few things back but most of them are not a good fit for me. Yesterday I applied for a promising position at Misys. I’ve long admired that company so I hope I’ll get a chance to talk to them.

I’ve been busying myself around the house, getting things done that had been piling up around us. Yesterday’s project was to clean out the junk in the garage. Needless to say, I am still working on that one! Once I’ve sorted through things, the unwanted stuff will go on Craigslist this afternoon.

The garage work was inspired by finding evidence of mice still in the garage. I thought I’d sealed up all access to it when I put up flashing on our air conditioner unit earlier this year. Those rodents put up a good fight, that’s for sure. I’d hate to put out poison if I can simply drive them away but at this point my patience is running thin with them.

We’re still thinking of going sailing this weekend. It all depends on the wind forecast. Right now, Sunday and/or Monday are looking good. Saturday we’ll probably spend indoors painting one of our bathrooms.