Heat Transfer Foiled Again!

A few weeks ago when it was warm outside, I stepped from the house to the garage and was surprised at how cool it was. Our garage was cooler than the house. Granted, the air conditioner was off inside and the windows were open, but the temperature was markedly cooler. Monday afternoon, I walked in front of our garage and was hit with a wave of heat. It felt like I was standing in front of a heat lamp!

The reason for this is the radiant barrier I placed on the garage door last summer. It literally reflects the sun’s heat right back into space, keeping it from getting trapped in the garage. This radiant barrier is essentially a roll of bubble wrap with aluminum-foil backing. It cost $25 for a roll that nearly covers my garage door. I am still amazed at how well it works!

Monday morning I ventured into my attic to retrieve the broken attic fan I put up the year before (you remember, the one that almost claimed my finger). Rather than replace it, I’m considering buying more foil and stapling it to the rafters in the attic.

It is so much easier to cool a house if you can keep the heat out of it to begin with.