Cheap thoughts: the Super Bowl revolution

I got to thinking with the protests in Egypt going on for the past two weeks how alive those people must be feeling right now. Millions of people are taking to the street, braving water cannons, rubber bullets, real bullets, whips, and Molotov cocktails – risking their very lives – to demand their freedom. They are standing up to their hated, repressive government and taking charge of their own future.

All this stood in sharp contrast as Americans everywhere spent Sunday evening parked on the couch watching the Super Bowl, during which the television commercials are often the highlight of the night. Hey, sometimes we can’t be bothered to get up to change the channel, much less march for our freedom.

Porno scanner

I made my first trip through the porno scanner at RDU’s Terminal A. Didn’t quite mean to, but I didn’t look up from my rush to get through security to realize in time why the line I chose was so short. Almost all the other travelers were choosing to use the metal detector but I failed to notice until my bags were on their way through the X-ray.

I stood on the mat as instructed as the TSA guy said “and your pockets are completely empty, right?”

“Yes,” I said, absent-mindedly.

“Do you have a belt?”

“Yes, I do.”
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