Does a new Chinese missile doom aircraft carriers?

Dogfeng photo by Max Smith

A new weapon in the Chinese military arsenal is said to be causing a stir in the U.S. Navy: the Dongfeng 21D anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM). Some experts are calling it a “game changer” because the missile is the first ballistic missile with the capability to take out a moving aircraft carrier. Because it’s ballistic it can travel at incredible speeds: this missile reportedly clocks in close to an astounding Mach 10!

Says the U.S. Naval Institute blog:
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Earth’s helium reserves ‘will run out within 25 years’ | Mail Online

Earth’s supply of helium is dwindling fast.

It is more commonly known as the gas that fills cheap party balloons and makes your voice squeak if you inhale it.

But helium is actually a precious resource that is being squandered with Earth’s reserves of it due to run out within 25 to 30 years, experts have warned.

Earth’s resources of helium are being depleted at an astonishing rate, an effect which will spell disaster for hospitals which use it to cool MRI scanners.

via Earth’s helium reserves ‘will run out within 25 years’ | Mail Online.