Another stellar East CAC meeting

Just when I think I’ve hit the high mark for the East CAC meetings, a meeting comes along that tops it. Tonight’s was such a meeting. We had probably 70 neighbors in attendance: the largest crowd in my time as CAC chair and possibly its largest crowd ever. We had so many neighbors we had to open the back room to accommodate them all.

The folks weren’t there to hear me tell jokes, but to become informed. We first had a presentation about the nomination of Longview from Martha Hobbs about Longview Gardens’ nomination a historic district. Then Police Chief Harry Dolan conducted a brainstorming session to see what the residents’ concerns were. We also heard about the RPD Volunteer program as well. In attendance were two City Councilors. It was great to see everyone enjoying the meeting and building a community.

Before the meeting began, one longtime attendee asked me if being a CAC chair was a full-time job for me. I laughed and said it was simply a hobby. She complimented me on how well I was doing and how informative and tactful my emails have been. I thanked her for the compliments!

On the way home, though, I realized I gave her the wrong answer. Leading the neighborhoods is not simply a hobby of mine. It’s more than that: it’s a passion! It’s a bona fide passion. Sure, it takes organization and planning and setting a course – and there’s some effort behind all that. But when the third Monday rolls around and I walk out of the room with a smile on my face, knowing I’ve made a real difference in my neighborhood – that’s the reward. That makes it all worthwhile.

Getting tanked

I thought I was slick when I positioned my 330-gallon “Lake Turner” rain tank next to my garden. I was even slicker when I hooked up a timer to it a few weeks ago so that it automagically watered my tomato plants. However, my feeling smug stopped yesterday when I realized there was no water flowing through my drip hose.

Oops. It sure looked slick, though! No wonder some of my plants were looking a bit withered.

It turns out the timer I used was dutifully opening at the set time but the water pressure from the tank wasn’t enough to push through it. I switched to a different kind of timer yesterday and suddenly had a pleasing stream of water going to my ‘maters.

The moral of this story is to “measure twice,” as they say!