
I spent part of yesterday afternoon at the former Army SIGINT base known as Vint Hill Farms Station, which is now a county park and office park development. Vint Hill reminds me of a similar base to which I was once assigned but is now also an office part development: Fort Devens in western Massachusetts.

As I surveyed the empty barracks and parade field, I realized that precious few of the places I’ve been stationed are still active military installations.

The only station from my military past that is still kicking is NTTC Corry Station in Pensacola. I was sent there after initial training in Fort Devens.

Makes me feel old.

Star Trek

Yesterday. I talked Kelly into seeing the new Star Trek movie with me so we ventured out to the movie theatre again for the first time in a long while. Happy to say we weren’t disappointed. There were a few things in the movie’s …. er, logic that left us scratching our heads and the fight scenes were confusingly hard to follow, overall it was a very entertaining flick.

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to all of my fellow Americans. Let us take time to reflect on where our country started and where we would like to go.