Awesome road crews

I take my hat off to the incredible street crews who labored throughout the night to keep our roads open. Thanks to their Herculean efforts there wasn’t one bit of snow or ice on our city streets.

I’d especially like to thank them for going the extra mile by clearing the snow and ice from my neighborhood, yard, house, and all visible surfaces – and doing so before the sun came up. Fantastic job, guys!

Obama: “I screwed up”

What refreshing words to hear our President say: “I screwed up.” In the past eight years full of colossal screwups, I never heard that other guy ever admit he made a mistake. I am happy to hear President Obama taking responsibility for his actions. The buck finally stops at the White House desk again.

I am also happy to help Obama see the error of his ways, such as his apparently continuing the policy of kidnapping … er, rendition as my buddy Scott pointed out (fortunately it looks like the L.A. Times “got punked” in the words of Harper’s Scott Horton. Salon pointed me to some analysis of these claims by Harper’s and the Washington Monthly).