Neighborhood College draws to an end

Thursday night was my last class of Raleigh Neighborhood College. For twelve weeks I have trekked to Peace College or other locations around the city every Thursday night to spend up to four hours learning about city government and services. I have shared the experience with 20 other fine Raleigh citizens, each of whom has had something to offer to the experience. All that’s left to do is “graduate,” and that happens this upcoming Thursday evening.
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Six years

Today we celebrate Hallie’s sixth birthday (which is actually June 4th). Amazing to think how far she’s come since those early, scary days.

Six wonderful years and many, many more ahead!

The sweat announcer

I’ve been riding my bike to work for weeks now. As the mornings have been getting progressively warmer so have I.

The office has an infrared alarm sensor at the front door which rings when people pass through. Usually the bell rings once for each person. When I first arrive however, dragging my bike with me, the bell often rings three or four times depending on how hot I am after my ride.

Thus, my officemates can tell how sweaty I am going to be just by counting the bells!


Today the News and Observer put this story at the top of its front page. Its a story crowing about how mental hospital director Patsy Christian now won’t be able to hang a portrait of herself in the new Butner mental hospital thanks to an N&O story.

Of the legions of problems our state’s mental health system needing to be solved, this is what the N&O is most proud of? Getting a damn portrait removed? Is that how our fabled fourth branch of government is protecting our interests? Since when did the N&O become the paper equivalent of talk radio?

Is it any wonder that the newspaper business is in trouble?

Raleigh’s Serendipitous Downtown

Today I was head-down, working on customer issues when my coworker mentioned he was going for a walk and invited us to join him. The next thing I know, the whole office (all four of us today) left the office and took a leisurely stroll around Fayetteville Street in the bright May sunshine.

While we were out walking, I noticed the way I was chuckling at my buddies’ jokes. It’s not because I don’t usually laugh, but my chuckling was almost subconscious – just really from the heart, you know? I realized I was enjoying the walk much more than I had expected.
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Mexican Radio

What does he say? Watch their awesome video, which still rocks after 25 (!) years.

Mexican Radio
Wall of Voodoo

I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
And the touch of a world that is older
I turn the switch and check the number
I leave it on when in bed I slumber
I hear the rhythms of the music
I buy the product and never use it
I hear the talking of the DJ
Can’t understand just what does he say?
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