in Musings

Raleigh’s Serendipitous Downtown

Today I was head-down, working on customer issues when my coworker mentioned he was going for a walk and invited us to join him. The next thing I know, the whole office (all four of us today) left the office and took a leisurely stroll around Fayetteville Street in the bright May sunshine.

While we were out walking, I noticed the way I was chuckling at my buddies’ jokes. It’s not because I don’t usually laugh, but my chuckling was almost subconscious – just really from the heart, you know? I realized I was enjoying the walk much more than I had expected.

That spontaneous little trip around the block is one of the reasons I love working in downtown Raleigh. This town’s becoming the kind of place where “happy accidents” can occur, where you can look up from your walk and meet an old friend or strike up a conversation with a future business partner. Sure, it’s no Manhattan or Seattle or any of the other cities in that creative class, but its rapidly gaining all the key elements that goes into that mix.

I’m glad to have a front-row seat to this metamorphosis.