Mouthpiece success!

Before bed last night I went through the “boil-and-bite” procedure to fit my ..uh, “anti-snoring” mouthpiece to my mouth. I popped the mouthpiece into my mouth right after turning out the light just like the prosthodontist said to do and I waited in the dark to see how long it would take before I hurled it across the room and slept without it.
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Blue Grosbeaks!

This morning we spotted the very first blue grosbeaks ever to grace our feeder! The male blue grosbeak is a stunning dark blue color. It looks similar to a cardinal – only blue. They seem to be a bit shy, too: flying away whenever anyone inside walked past the door. We’ve been birdwatching for years now. Hard to believe it took this long to see blue grosbeaks!

I’ve set up the camera in the hopes of capturing a photo or two. They are amazingly beautiful birds!