FCC Gets It Wrong

I was searching for some information on the FCC‘s website. What got my attention is their use of the word “consumer.” The FCC has a section – an entire bureau, even – devoted to consumers.

Uh, at what point did we become “consumers?” How about “citizens?” Or better yet, “frequency spectrum owners,” lest the FCC forget who actually owns the spectrum it pretends to manage?

This “consumer” stuff has seeped in coutresy of the entertainment industry, which would like to hold all the cards. I’m sick of being called a consumer! The word consumer implies one with no rights. A consumer’s role is limited to consuming what others produce. We’re supposed to take it and like it. The First Amendment only applies to big corporations now. Its the Golden Rule.

Screw that! We’re citizens, dammit! Take a moment to send former Tar Heel and current FCC Chairman Kevin Martin a note and remind him that we’re citizens.

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