Playing in the dirt

I’ve been spending the past several weekends finally constructing some raised garden beds in the backyard. I’ve had a vegetable garden since we moved in but the ground wasn’t level and I got tired of the water I put on it draining into the yard (and the weeds moving from the yard to the garden). So back in March, I bought several landscape timbers and some spikes and engineered two nice, level beds for this year’s garden.

It took 3 cubic yards of topsoil, 2 cubic yards of compost, and 4 cubic yards of mulch to fill the area but it’s now full. We’ve got several plants in the ground now, courtesy of the N.C. State farmer’s market. I’ve fenced the garden off (mostly) and spent the past two days putting down soaker hoses for watering. My 330-gallon “Lake Turner” rain tank is now hooked to a sprinkler timer, which feeds the soaker hoses every three days. And, because it’s now level, the water in the hoses doesn’t all drain out the lower end. Sweet!
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Speeding motorcycles continue

My exasperation with speeding motorcycles near my home caught the attention of N&O reporter Chelsea Kellner, who wrote a story on the problem and quoted me.

And just in case you thought these morons would stop once word got out, you’d be wrong. They were speeding again as early as Sunday afternoon, the day of the article. Seems the motorcyclists don’t read the paper.

They were also going at it again this evening, so I called the po-po. It’s quiet for now, but I don’t expect it to last. I will continue to call 911 for the next several weeks if that’s what it takes to reign in these reckless idiots.