Gang presentation

Tonight’s Raleigh East CAC meeting focused mainly on gangs and introducing my neighbors and I to Raleigh Police’s gang efforts. There was a middle presentation regarding new townhomes being built in our area by Wake Habitat for Humanity but I was more interested in the police information.

There were a few things that surprised me about the presentation, one of them being the geographical spread of gang activity around the city. I’m used to reporting graffiti around town but the idea that it isn’t really concentrated in one area was new to me. Also I was intrigued by the differing mindsets of the two groups presenting. A volunteer with the county stressed prevention and rescuing the gang “wannabes” before they sign up, while the police say there is no such thing as a “wannabe” and that even the young kids pretending to be members are almost surely on their way to being members. I assume that division is natural by the concentration the volunteer has “before the problem,” i.e. a crime gets committed, whereas police usually only get involved “after the problem.”
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I’m a spoiled two-wheeler

I had to make a trip to Cary today to pick up contact lenses. Thus I drove my car to work. After picking up the lenses, I spent about 15 minutes searching in vain for an open spot among the free parking spots near downtown. It about killed me to have to pay for parking after all that.

Biking to work really is the way to go, hands down.

Party weekend

It was a bit of a party weekend this weekend.

Friday evening we had a Bennett Woods neighborhood party. A group of neighbors met in front of our homes to grill food, drink, and socialize. The kids had a great time meeting the other neighborhood kids and we enjoyed meeting our neighbors.
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Romantica Redux

Our friends, the band Romantica, are back in town tonight and playing at the Berkeley Cafe. We thought we might play host to them again but they’ve upgraded their accommodations since last time. I’m told their crowds have gotten ten times bigger since they’ve been touring. Not too shabby.

If you’ve got the evening free, swing on by the Berkeley and check ’em out. See you there!

One week of biking

Last week I biked to work every single day. I didn’t avoid driving every day, as I had to go to Travis’s field day at his school. Afterward, though, I hopped on the bike when it was time to go back to work.

Now I need to see how many other weeks I can manage!

Hidden train station

I’ve always thought the gray building at the corner of Dawson Street and West Martin Street is somehow compelling. It just seems a bit out of place.

It turns out the building has a hidden history: it was once a train station, Raleigh’s Union Station, in fact. I never would’ve guessed it as the tracks are now nowhere near it. The station once served the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, the second railroad in the state.

Check out this railroad fan’s page to see how the building looked in its train station heyday and how it looks today. I may stop by the state archives sometime and see if I can find more historic pictures of the building.

The problem with CFLs

I had a spirited discussion with my sister (as discussions with my sister frequently are) about compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). She told me how one of hers recently quit on her so she tossed it in the trash. I pointed out how she needed to recycle it instead, as its mercury would seep into the ground once it reached the landfill.

“People aren’t that smart,” she argued. “No one’s going to go to the trouble.”

For once I couldn’t argue with her. Most people are totally clueless on the dangers of mercury poisoning and the need to properly dispose of these bulbs.
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Field day

I’m taking the morning off from work to go with Travis to field day at his kindergarten. Should be fun.

Y’all have a super-fine day.

Jobless parents

My mom hung up her word processor on Friday and joined the ranks of the happily jobless. She’s probably worked more places than I have but Golden Corral kept her happy for the last ten. At least now I have less competition for the job-changing record!

Seriously, though: congratulations, Mom, on your retirement! We look forward to following your adventures as you travel the globe.