Friday night at the blog

I’ve got a quiet household tonight as the kids are safely in bed and Kelly’s enjoying a much-deserved night out with her friends. Even the cat’s sleeping, somewhere around here. I’ve got a half-full glass of wine at my side and an urge to write something – not just post a link somewhere.
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The CIA and the cocaine plane

Cristobal pointed me to the latest news on the CIA-connected cocaine plane that crashed last month. As Cristobal hints in his post, the article explains how easy it is to muddle the ownership of a plane caught trafficking drugs. We should certainly close these FAA loopholes if we’re serious about the other Endless War: the “war on drugs.”

As for whether the CIA’s actively ferrying drugs, I cannot say one way or another. But I’m getting mighty suspicious of all the drug busts that seem to occur so soon after the CIA allegedly owned these aircraft. There’s definitely smoke here, if not outright fire. I’m glad McClatchy’s got two good reporters on the trail.