Daylight complaint-saving time

I managed to make it through the whole day yesterday without my usual twice-yearly rant about daylight saving time. The truth is that Kelly and I completely forgot about DST ending and woke up thinking it was later than it actually was. Other than resetting far too many clocks it was a smooth transition for us.

Since I’ve blogged before about DST’s dubious benefits, I came across an interesting National Geographic look at DST. Some excerpts:

Likewise, Matthew Kotchen, an economist at the University of California, saw in Indiana a situation ripe for study.
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Smoke alarm times it right

Public safety officials always tell people to check their smoke alarm batteries at the same time they change their clocks for Daylight Saving Time. This is a practice that hopefully gets people used to routinely checking their smoke alarms.

I’ve long been in the habit of checking our smoke alarms at the time change but this morning offered a bit of a surprise. Around 6 AM, our “extra” hour of sleep was just beginning when we hear a chriping sound. It seems the battery in one of our smoke detectors picked this morning to quit: the very day it would’ve been tested, anyway.

In less than 10 minutes I had a new battery installed and was snoozing again. Being a bit superstitious, though, I made sure rest of our smoke detectors worked today, too!

More posting pending

This is my busy week, with meetings Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings (and Travis’s piano lessons on Friday). It’s also the first week of Daylight Saving Time. And I’m coming off a cold. The combination of all three has really sapped my energy in the evenings, and yet I still feel compelled to blog about Gerry and other topics.

It will have to wait, though, until I come up for air.

Weekend of highs and lows

It was a weekend of highs and lows. Friday night I drove over to help set up the facility for Gerry’s post-service party. Arriving after the work was done (though right when I said I would arrive), instead I joined Jeff, Suzie, Bill, and Janet for a beer and a bite to eat. We had a conversation both deep and hilariously funny.

Saturday morning we were scheduled to go to Hallie’s soccer game but it had gotten rained out. Instead we got the kids ready for their sleepover at their friends’ house and got ourselves ready for Gerry’s funeral. We got the kids out the door and then ourselves, arriving at the church around 12:25. I’ve got a separate post coming up on Gerry’s service, but suffice it to say it was far harder for me than I expected.

We went to a post-service party for Gerry and had a great time. Then we went to yet another party after that one. It was good meeting friends of Gerry’s from various points in his past.

This morning Kelly and I slept in somewhat later, which wasn’t really by design as Daylight Saving Time took effect today. We picked up the kids from their sleepover, ate lunch (BBQ!), and headed out for a two-hour family bike ride on the greenway. It was awesome! When we returned, we figured out that we’d ridden 14 miles. And the kids had no complaints at all! I so love riding with the family and look forward to many more rides like today’s.

Now it’s time for a shower and then bed. My busy week of meetings is this week so my posting this week will be sporadic.

Miracles do happen

Amazing, isn’t it? This is one Daylight Saving event where I didn’t post one comment about it.

Daylight No-savings Time?

WRAL Weathercenter’s Nate Johnson posted about daylight savings time, which goes into effect this Sunday. Ah, daylight savings time: one of my favorite whipping boys. If there’s one thing that raises my government-as-nanny hackles, daylight savings time is it.

Benjamin Franklin is credited with conceiving daylight savings time (DST) as a way to save on candles. While candles may have been all the rage in Poor Richard’s day, it may be safe to say that we use energy quite differently nowadays. The energy required to shift one’s biological clock to match clock time is quite expensive, too, but not so easily measured.
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Linux and time zones

Okay, all you 1337 Linux haX0Rz out there, how do I teach my CentOS machines that the U.S. Gummint has screwed up daylight savings time this year?

It’s All True – I Found It On The Internet

OMG! This is all true LOL!

In other news, the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale on Craigslist.

  • Molecularly speaking, water is actually much drier than sand.
  • The term “bank teller” originated in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash, when banks began hiring low-paid workers to “tell” throngs of frantic depositors that their money was gone.
  • The brand name “Jelly Belly” was created in 1982 after Nancy Reagan made a much-publicized quip about her husband’s 20-pound weight gain.
  • The Internal Revenue Service audits 87 percent of women who claim breast implants as tax deductions.
  • Scandinavian berserkers used to cut out their eyes before battle to spare themselves the sight of the carnage they invariably wrought.
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Home Alone

I’m awake and happy to be home, though the family isn’t back yet from Virginia. I’ve been spending the time unpacking and cleaning up the house a bit.

I went to bed around 3 after making a 2:30 AM run to Harris Teeter. The night manager eyed me suspiciously, and I can’t say I blame him. I don’t suppose they get many customers that early in the morning. It wasn’t difficult waking up at 9 this morning, either. Guess if I have to get used to a time difference its a good thing that daylight savings is happening this weekend.

It won’t be long before the family comes rolling in and we’ll all be together again. Woot!