Achievement unlocked: key free

credit: Bohman

credit: Bohman

I realized yesterday that a week ago I had finally achieved one of my long-sought goals: to go without having to carry keys. Alas, instead of finally becoming President of the United States as my earlier post discussed or having minions now doing my billing, I installed a keyless lock on our home a few weeks back.

For a little while after, I still carried my house keys out of habit. Then a week ago I began to leave my keys at home, not really fully noting that I had achieved my keyless goal.

One caveat: while I no longer have metal in my pockets, I do still carry the (frickin’ giant) keyfobs for our cars and I have a plastic badge that gets me into my company’s office. Thus, reducing the amount of metal I carry has increased the amount of plastic I now carry. Time to solve a new problem?

Hillary’s “SuperPredator” quote

This clip is from the “Young Turks” Internet TV channel, showing Hillary Clinton speaking in Keane, NH in the 1990s about gangs (and, presumably, African-American kids). Some people are disagreeing in the YouTube comments, but I think it’s fair to explore the views held by Hillary during her husband Bill Clinton’s presidency. I think there’s some truth to the claim that the Clinton years were not necessarily good ones for African-Americans.

Donald Trump Utilizes Racism, but Hillary Clinton Used Similar Tactics Against Obama in 2008

I vividly recall Hillary Clinton’s racist-tinged campaign against Barack Obama in 2008. It disgusted me and put me firmly in Obama’s camp. I hope my African-American friends remember this, too, come election day.

To say Donald Trump is a racist ideologue might be an understatement, given his overtly xenophobic statements about Muslims, as well as his views on undocumented immigrants. He’s insulted everyone from John McCain and Megyn Kelley to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, so it’s obvious that Trump is either delusional, or simply doing everything possible to stay in the limelight. However, it’s important for all Americans, especially Democrats, to look in the mirror.

Trump is a reflection of our society, as well as a mirror of what we’re willing to tolerate, especially when “our” side is fighting for political power. The truth is that Hillary Clinton utilized race and Islamophobia against Barack Obama in 2008, even though Democrats aren’t supposed to reach into this well of prejudice and ignorance.

Source: Donald Trump Utilizes Racism, but Hillary Clinton Used Similar Tactics Against Obama in 2008