Letters to Grandma: 4 August 1991

[Note: Read this post first for an introduction.]

This was written at the start of my last deployment. It turns out I never made it anywhere near Egypt nor the Red Sea. Word on the street was that my second skipper didn’t have the friends in high places that my politically-connected first skipper did, leading to the choice ports being given to other ships.

In this letter I finally sound comfortable with the Navy. I had finally figured out how the system worked and could have probably made great strides at this point in a Navy career had I chosen that path.

During this cruise I was spending my off-time taking college courses. While I really got into it and did well, my success there didn’t translate to success at N.C. State. My classmates were much more attractive at State, I have to say.

I do still sail, of course, whenever I can. Though I sail on a lake now, I’ll never forget the feeling of freedom and adventure I get from being on the water.

August 4, 1991 4 AM HDT, 10 AM EDT [age:22]

Dear Grandma,
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