Nighttime bad weather and accidents

The commute has been a challenge the past few mornings, with several accidents making a mess of the roads. I can’t help but think that perhaps the many nights of slow-moving thunderstorms have been disturbing people’s sleep and making them more prone to accidents. The weather at the time of many of these wrecks is fine, so you can’t say it’s due to road conditions.

Of course, there are a million distractions confronting today’s driver, so it’s hard to say for sure if there’s one cause. Certainly a restless night caused by thunderstorms can’t be good for one’s concentration the next day!

Little Raleigh Radio’s board meets

Little Raleigh Radio

We had the first meeting of the board of directors for Little Raleigh Radio last night and, in a fit of insanity on the board’s part, I was elected chair. I stressed that it was an interim position until we get more board members and I sort out how much time I have to devote to it.

I’m excited about the progress, though. It’s a good team and last night’s meeting was very productive. We can certainly get this done, and before we know it a new station will be on the air from downtown Raleigh.